Thursday, February 12

Article 4-Who Pays for the Octuplets?

So I read this article this morning about the woman with 14 kids. I also watch the NBC interview and I can't think of words that describe the feelings that come about when reading this. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach that:
1. all of her children are invitro
2. there is a doctor who would do this
3. that she is saying that she is not manipulating the system
4. she would be allowed to have more kids when she can't take care of the ones she has already, some of which already have disablities (autism)

She is an unemployed, single mother, who has been on disability for 10 years and the payments have now stopped. She now has 14 kids, 6 of which are between the ages of 2 and 7 and two of those (1 for sure-1 with tendensies) have autism. She plans on helping pay for them with student loans while she finishes her masters degree. SERIOUSLY!?!?!?! There are those of us that have one child and a spouse that are struggling to make it through school on student loans and jobs so that we can afford to pay for our family. and you know what...we don't "qualilfy" for assistance because we are actually trying to help our selves. This should be a wake up call to the government that the welfare system is being taken advantage of. These kind of programs are for people that have come on hard times to make it through until things get better. This woman had a lot of money paid to her in disability (because of a back injury) wouldn't it have made better sense to finish school and then go make babies. I know you may be thinking-if any of you are actually reading this-you aren't done with school and you have a kid. Well you know..I do, BUT accidents happen. I am married, have a wonderful husband who does more than I could ever ask of him so that I can finish school, and I only have ONE, not 14. She went to the Dr. and had treatments to purposely have these children .

It really pisses me off that this was allowed to happen. Something should be done with these kids. It is obvious that this woman is not in her right mind and cannot take care of what she has let alone 8 babies.

Oh and her plan to help pay for them, DONATIONS from her website from people that feel sorry for her. Maybe I am just cold hearted, but I feel discusted not sorry. She did this to herself she needs to deal with it herself and if she can't then the kids need to go to someone who can.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. Ugh. Frustrating. I just feel sorry for all her kids.
